Winners of Stanislav Libenský Award 2022
1. Prize
Renate Zeimule - Latvian
A beautifully simple composition of shape and line, the simplicity hides the technical complexity of the work's execution. The jury appreciated the simplification of the female figure and the ability to express a difficult inner state of mind.
2. Prize
Hilde de Rooij - Dutch
Captured memories
Sadness and bitterness woven into the glass. Each object recalls a single memory. It effectively translates emotional trauma into material.
3. Prize
Ula Goldasz - Polish
The chaos of the object depicts our oversaturated world. We commend the courage to make glass ugly to describe unpleasant topics.
Special Prize
Anežka Stupková - Czech
Life on the wall - glass installation with intermediate elements
In an art world and educational systems that encourage self-seriousness, I always look for artists who embrace the inherent wisdom of their inner child.
Katarina Pozorová - Slovak
Relationships of Matter
Simple geometric forms communicating in a dialogue of two materials. The works reflect well the quality of glass whose fourth dimension is light.
Grzegorz Bibro - Polish
Peeled From the Body (Torsos, Knees, Hips)
Sculptural baroque forms in glass present gay themes in the atmosphere of contemporary conservative Poland.
The Ceremony
The Exhibition
The Jury
Mare Saare
Mare Saare - Estonian glass artist, head of the department of a glass of Estonian Academy of Arts between 1993 – 2018, professor emeritus since 2018. She sees her colorful fragile glass objects as three-dimensional definitions of circumstances and phenomena around us.
František Janák
ak. mal. František Janák - At age 15, I attended school for the apprentices at the Bohemia Glassworks. After one year, I went to the Secondary School of Glassmaking in Kamenicky Senov, following the department for glass carving and cutting. There I was graduating in 1971. After one year of work at the glassworks Bohemia as a headmaster, I worked for three years as a series production glasscutter at the Co-op in Prague. In 1975 I was accepted for studies at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague under professor Stanislav Libensky. Six years later, I received my diploma.
Ricardo Hoineff
Ricardo Hoineff - Scenographer and Glass Artist Born in Rio de Janeiro in a Jewish family, in the early 1990s packed his luggage and blindly flew to Prague, where he studied Scenography at the prestigious faculty DAMU and became a successful creator of television opening credits and set designer. Later, at 40, I saw a glassmaker in action in Nový Bor, Bohemia. It was love at first sight, with glass. So, although already mature, he decided to start frequenting school again. Today, he creates glass art with a unique method and expression.
Milan Hlaveš
Milan Hlaveš is a Czech art theorist. He deals with modern and contemporary glass and ceramics, including porcelain. He has worked in several important Czech museums (Museum of Decorative Arts 1998–2020, currently at the Prague City Museum). He has been cooperating professionally with the organizers of the Stanislav Libenský Award since the first year of the competition (2009).
Ben Wright
Ben Wright holds a BS in Evolutionary Biology from Dartmouth College, a BFA in Glass from the Appalachian Center for Crafts, and an MFA from Rhode Island School of Design. While at Dartmouth, he explored forests from upstate New Hampshire to tropical Jamaica to record and map song birds for the renowned ornithologist Richard Homes. His background in Biology figures strongly in his artwork, which delves deeply into the ever evolving relationship between humans and their environment. Through work ranging from interactive visual installations to sonic landscapes he engages all of his viewer’s senses and often bridges the gap between art and science. He has taught and exhibited his unique approach to art making at numerous schools including Pilchuck Glass School, Penland School of Craft and the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and abroad in Germany, Turkey, Denmark, Japan, Belgium, Poland and Australia. Ben is currently the Artistic Director of Pilchuck Glass school in Stanwood Washington.
Zuzana Kubelková
Zuzana Kubelková (*1987, Strakonice) is a glass artist and painter. After her studies at the High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Železný Brod, she continued with her studies at the glass studio at J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. She is interested in combining glass with other materials and techniques, discovering the characteristics, searching for new ways to use them, and doing experiments. She also completed several internships abroad. Since 2007 she has been involved in various exhibition projects and has been successful in many international competitions in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Petrohradská 216/3, 101 00  Prague 10, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 272101121

Prague Gallery of Czech Glass is a nonprofit organization registered in the Czech Republic.
Registration number 27907660.
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