Winners of Stanislav Libenský Award 2010

1. Prize
Alan Horsley - England
The Shell of My Flesh – Element I
2. Prize
Barbora Vobořilová - Czech
Holy Mysteries
3. Prize
Mafune Gonjo - Japan
Every Detail Has Its Own Story But It Sinks To The Whole

The Ceremony

The Exhibition

The Jury

Mgr. Eliška Stölting
Mgr. Eliška Stölting (CZ) is founder of the prestigious German glass gallery Glasgalerie Hittfeld in Hamburg, Germany. She is also a price winner of the Gratias Agit Award – award for propagation of the good name of the Czech Republic in foreign countries. She studied at The High Scool of Applied Arts for Glassmaking, when prof. Stanislav Libensky was a director. After high school she preferred pedagogical study. Since its beginning in 1988 Glasgalerie Hittfeld has focused its activities on sale of fine Czech glass. Gallery organizes exhibitions of Czech glassmakers, introduces young Czech talents and modern Czech fine glass to the world on many international occasions. Many distinguished Czech artists and glassmakers had exhibited in the Glasgalerie Hittfeld, from prof. Stanislav Libenský and his wife Jaroslava Brychtová, through Vladimír Kopecký, Jan Fišer, René Roubíček or Gizela Šaboková, to contemporary authors of young generation. The Gallery has organized more than hundred presentations and selling exhibitions, not only in Germany but also in United States, Japan etc., up to the present time.
Prof. Jiří Harcuba
Prof. Jiří Harcuba (CZ) was until 1994 rector at Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague, and was focused on the academic activities and lectures especially in USA for next thirty years. His works are placed in most of important museum institutions, for example Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Corning Museum of Glass in USA or in Prague in National gallery, National Museum, Museum of Decorative Arts and many others. In the international community, he is known as the unrivalled creator of portraits graved into the glass – intaglios. His is also known by creating medals and coins, which are still used in the Czech currency.
Mgr. Milan Hlaveš, Ph.D.
Mgr. Milan Hlaveš, Ph.D. (CZ) is an art historian and curator. He is a head of collections of glass, ceramics and porcelain in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. He worked at the National Technical Museum and at the Museum of Glass and Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou. He is an author and co-author of more than forty exhibitions, numerous articles in professional journals and member of many committees competition.
Prof. ac. mal. Vladimír Kopecký
Prof. ac. mal. Vladimír Kopecký is Czech glass designer, painter/artist and lecturer. He is one of the most visible and most authentic persons in the Czech post-war fine art scene. He belongs to the ground-breakers of so called atelier glass production. He worked as the lecturer at the Academy ofArts Architecture & Design, where he was a head of the glass atelier from 1990 to 2008. His works are represented in Czech art collections and foreign institutions, for example National Gallery in Prague, Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Yokohama Art Museum in Japan and in some others galleries in USA, France or in Germany.
Mgr. Oldřich Palata
Mgr. Oldřich Palata (CZ) is an art historian and curator of the North Bohemian Museum. He studied history of art and aesthetics on the Philosophic Faculty Charles University in Prague. Within his activities in the North Bohemian Museum he is not only head of art historian department but at the same time he works at the departments of textile, glass, ceramics and porcelain. He works as an external lecturer at the Design department at the Textile Faculty of Technical University in Liberec. His has extensive publishing activities.
Ac. soch. Oldřich Plíva
Ac. soch. Oldřich Plíva (CZ) is distinguished person in glass fine art, who represents special position in the development of glass art. He studied at the Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague in atelier of prof. Stanislav Libenský. He is decided glass creator, whose objects were exhibited in the Czech Republic and abroad. His pieces are present in public as well as in private collections across the European continent and overseas.
Doc. PhDr. Jiří Šetlík
Doc. PhDr. Jiří Šetlík CSc., is Czech art historian and important person in art-historic activities for which he was awarded many times. He studied the history of art and aesthetics on the Philosophic Faculty Charles University in Prague. He worked as a lecturer and rector at the Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague during 90’s and until 2001 also at the position of lecturer and head of the Department of history of art and architecture at the Faculty of architecture of Technical university in Liberec. His attention is focused on scientific and academic activities and publishing. He was part of the Czech commission for UNESCO, he worked at the Czech Embassy in Washington D.C. and he also worked as professional expert in National Gallery in Prague. His has extensive publishing and bibliographical activities.



Petrohradská 216/3, 101 00  Prague 10, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 272101121

Prague Gallery of Czech Glass is a nonprofit organization registered in the Czech Republic.
Registration number 27907660.
Annual reports

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